starting seeds for a spring garden


I started planting seeds for our garden this past weekend and it felt so good to be nudging slowing toward spring again. I am so ready for green and warmth and everything that spring brings! We live in Northern Indiana (in zone 5) and we only have about 150 growing days per year between frosts, so some longer growing plants need to be started really early here.

Last year, I didn’t start until mid-April and it was wayyyyy too late for several of my plants and they did not thrive. Starting early and planning well this year and putting in the work needed to get greater harvests, with the goal of being able to store/freeze/can as much as possible to see us through next winter.

In this planting round, I planted:

  • sage

  • french rosemary

  • broccoli-rabe

  • fairie queen foxglove

  • giant dahlias

  • celery

  • eucalyptus

  • scallions

  • brussels sprouts

  • kelsae onions

  • rainbow trio onions

  • sweet peas

  • camelot cream foxglove. 
