investing time in our kids

One thing that we’ve added to our weekly rhythm lately is a special little breakfast date for just Alden and I. It’s so easy for me to get sucked into emails and messages and editing and cleaning and in the midst of living life alongside Alden I can lose a bit of the intentionality that can be a beautiful part of nurturing a child.


Obviously all of those things are necessary parts of being an adult and a parent and running a household, but sometimes it’s so good to step away and be quiet for a bit. So we’ve added these sweet, weekly breakfasts for just the two of us at our favorite coffeeshop, followed by park playtime - just us.


I put my phone away for the morning (aside from snapping a few super quick pictures of him while we were there) and ignored my email and notifications and the dishes in my sink and focused on my sweet child instead. And it was so good for each of us. We sat on the porch of our favorite coffeeshop and ate a slow breakfast while coloring and writing notes to each other. I always keep a pack of crayons and some small notebooks in my purse, just for times like this!


One of the greatest gifts that we can give our children is the gift of a present mama! Obviously we can’t do this 100% of the time - other things need our attention as well and I don’t believe it’s healthy for us either to devote all of our time and energy all of the time to our kids. Mamas need care too and time for ourselves so that we can pour back into our families!

This is why I love setting aside extra time in our schedule to be able to devote my entire self to loving on my little one. It’s nurturing and good for both of our souls!


I would love to hear how you are being intentional with your little ones! I find that I always need new and refreshed inspiration for this and love hearing what other mamas are doing to intentionally invest in our precious babies!