essential oils for kids


We’ve been using essential oils in our home for over 4 years now. One of my favorite parts of this oily lifestyle has been the fact that Alden has never known a life without oils - it’s just a part of how we live our lives daily and there is something really special in that.

At the 2.5, he now can apply his own oils (he knows what he can use and he knows that mama needs to be right there too). He runs over to our oils shelf each day at some point and will yell “ummm, GREEN ONE!!” in excitement as he chooses an oil. This has been a part of our life for so long, that I choose to trust his intuition with which oil he wants almost all of the time. At this age, there aren’t really any oils that I personally choose to avoid for him. However, if he is wanting wintergreen on his nose, I might say no and redirect ;) He has all his favorites, knows what they smell like, and I believe even knows a bit of what they do for him, which is why I let him choose, then we apply together.

Just yesterday I shared about how these oils impact him on my Instagram:

“Alden was up late last night and he had sugar yesterday. Neither one is good situation for him, and the combination is truly horrible in the aftermath. We had four complete and utter meltdowns before 9:40 this morning. Like sobbing uncontrollably because I didn’t have pretzels available for him when we left the gym, or because I sat down on the wrong step 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ So when we got home, we pulled out this beauty and he swiped some Peace and Calming on myself and then on his own arms (letting your kids take part in their wellness is so empowering for them!). Complete calm. Literally like I had a different child and it was amazing. No tears, no arguments about naptime or snacks...just calm 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 so so grateful for these tools to support my family!!”


These are tools that I will be forever grateful for! I want to break down some of his favorite oils for you, to show you how we do and always have kept this simple! I feel like there is so much that can feel scary to a new mama and I would never want this to be a part of it. Oils and wellness can be so empowering. Crafting an oils routine for Alden has been such a beautiful part of the rhythm of our home and I’m so thrilled that we get to share in this together! I’ve also included some of our favorite diffuser blends and roller recipes just for little ones!

Alden’s routine at 3 months:

+ Seedlings Baby Shampoo & Wash - this was the best for bath time! It’s a dual shampoo and baby wash, which means less things in the tub - praise! It has a super dreamy scent as well! But my favorite part of this is that it is not only tear free, but it also contains eyebright extract which boosts eye health if it comes in contact with the eyes!

+ Seedlings Baby Lotion - Alden was really obsessed with lotion and baby massages. I would rub this into his skin either in the morning or night. It has a really calming, gentle scent to it and moisturizes the skin really well!

+ Seedlings Baby Wipes - these wipes are so amazing! We had been using Honest Co wipes before, but they kept getting mold in them and getting recalled - yikes! These wipes are absolutely incredible! And I trust YL so much! They are thick and large and they get delivered to my door so I don’t run out. They also work as dryer sheets, make-up remover, and quick cleaning wipes. #winning

+ Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream - this diaper cream is OTC, and works to prevent and treat diaper rash. It significantly reduces rashes when applied at the first sign of redness. We loved using this to support his delicate skin!

+ Seedlings Baby Oil - this oil was so gentle and nourishing for Alden’s skin!

+ Gentle Baby - happy baby equals happy parents! We love to dilute this and rub it on his feet before nap time! (psst! we still do this at 2.5 years!)

+ Peace & Calming - we love this one for sleep support! diffuse this with orange before bedtime for the most peaceful environment!

+ KidScents SleepyIze - this oil is magic unicorns and fairy dust. We still don’t go a single day without using this one before either nap time or bedtime. I love to rub it on his feet or diffuse it near his crib. 

+ KidScents Owie - this is the perfect oil for all ouchies! Alden had a habit of scratching himself at least once daily, so we used a lot of this early on.

+ KidScents SniffEase - amazing support for his little respiratory system!! We would place a drop diluted in coconut oil on his nose and on his chest when he needed a little extra support. 

+ KidScents TummyGize - this oil was our best friend for keeping things moving! Alden had some hard digestion issues (like most babies) and this was amazing for that for him.

+ Rose Ointment - this gentle ointment is perfect for supporting their skin. If you have a little boy who is getting a circumcision, this is great support for that area for the few days after the procedure. 

+ Lavender - such a calming, peaceful oil! We loved this one for skin and mood support! It’s perfect for diffusing during nap time!

+ Orange - this is such a happy, uplifting oil. We love to diffuse this with lavender during playtime!

+ Frankincense - I firmly believe that each and every person needs Frankincense daily! We used this in a roller with Gentle Baby and Lavender and rolled it on his spine daily. 

+ Myrrh - amazing support for the umbilical cord stump after birth!


Alden’s routine at 12 months:

In the morning, he woke up and got his diaper changed. We used the Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream if needed (it worked so well!), and wipe his little bum with the Seedlings Wipes. Then before I got him dressed, I would rub the Seedlings Baby Lotion all over his body! He started smiling instantly, and it was the actual cutest thing.

We rolled a roller of Lavender + Gentle Baby + Frankincense + V6 on his spine for general support.

I rubbed Copaiba neat on his gums to help with teething. Lavender + Copaiba diluted in coconut oil on his jawbone for additional support!

Before nap time, I rolled either Gentle Baby or Lavender + Orange onto his feet for rest support.

We applied Owie to any scratches he gives himself throughout the day. 

Tummygize either on his feet or around his belly button if he needed some additional digestive support. 

Lavender or Peace & Calming diffused throughout the day near his play area. 

At bedtime, we gave him a bath with the Seedlings Baby Wash & Shampoo, and the rubbed him all over with the Seedlings Baby Oil. I rolled SleepyIze or Gentle Baby onto his feet. Then it’s a calming oil in the diffuser, and we were off to bed! 

So simple. So safe.


Alden’s routine at 2.5 years:

+ Peace and Calming or Calm Roller (Peace & Calming 2, Joy, and Acceptance) on his spine along with his wellness roller (I share this below!) in the morning.

+ KidScents MightyPro added to a smoothie or fresh-pressed juice. KidScents MightyVites taken with breakfast. Ningxia Red packet with breakfast or afternoon snack!

+ Lavender and Orange or GeneYus and Orange in the diffuser during playtime.

+ Diaper changes are cleaned with Seedlings Wipes (the BEST) and Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream if we need it.

+ Gentle Baby on his chest before nap time, and sheets sprayed with Seedlings Linen Spray

+ Owie, Lavender, and calm/wellness rollers as needed throughout the day.

+ Bathtime: KidScents Shampoo, KidScents Bath Gel (sometimes a couple drops of Lavender and or Frankincense in the tub too!), followed by KidScents Lotion with a drop of Peace & Calming and Sacred Frankincense rubbed in all over

+ SleepyIze and Valor (4 drops each) in his diffuser every single night. Sheets sprayed with Seedlings Linen Spray.

+ TummyGize around his belly button, Gentle Baby on his chest, Sacred Frankincense on his crown, and Copaiba on his jaw before bed!

**We add a lot more to this as needed :) these are just the daily musts for him right now!


Our children are so remarkably capable and I love that he gets to do this on his own and learn how to take charge of his wellness (with a little guidance from mama!). He knows where to apply oils, how much to apply, and how to rub it in afterwards. All it takes is some instruction, making this a lifestyle, and courage for mama to let him do it himself.


Diffuser Blends for Little Ones

+ Quiet Play

3 drops Orange

3 drops Lavender

+ Deep Sleep

4 drops KidScents SleepyIze

4 drops Valor

+ We’ve Got the Yuckies!

1 drop Thieves

3 drops Lemon

3 drops Frankincense

+ Let’s Focus

3 drops GeneYus

2 drops Vetiver

+ Be Still

3 drops Gentle Baby

3 drops Orange

+ Peaceful Home

3 drops Peace and Calming

2 drops Lavender

2 drops Grapefruit

**tips for diffusing with kids: do fewer drops than you would in your room. Don’t stick a baby in a super tiny room with the door closed and the diffuser going - let some air flow. We have a very open layout in our home, so I’m really casual about how we diffuse. But if your rooms are much more closed off, do fewer drops and allow more air flow to start and go from there!


Roller Blends for Kids

+ Immune Health (under 18 months)

4 drops Gentle Baby

4 drops Frankincense

4 drops Lavender

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

+ Immune Health (over 18 months)

4 drops Thieves

6 drops Frankincense

2 drops Lemon

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

+ Let’s Calm Down

5 drops Lavender

4 drops Orange

5 drops Peace & Calming

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

+ Happy Baby

8 drops Gentle Baby

8 drops Lavender

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

+ Be Focused

6 drops KidScents GeneYus

2 drops Tangerine

3 drops Cedarwood

2 drops Vetiver

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

+ Tame the Butterflies

6 drops Valor

4 drops Joy

4 drops Orange

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

+ Goodnight World

4 drops Valor

5 drops Lavender

4 drops Frankincense

V6 carrier oil or fractionated coconut oil

**all of these are for 10ml glass roller bottles. Feel free to adjust as you feel is best for your family!


Resources for you:

I love the book Gentle Babies by Debra Rayburn! This has been such a wonderful guide for me as I stepped into motherhood! You can get it here.

If you aren’t a member with Young Living yet, I have some more info I can text you!

  • for our “Dr. Mom” Wellness class all about how we keep kids healthy, just text BEHEALTHY to 574-200-0731

  • for our class that’s just perfect for new mamas, text BABY to 574-200-0731

If you’re ready to grab all the oils to get your family started on your wellness journey, click here and proceed through the steps to checkout. Make sure that my name pops up “Andrew and Hannah Jeffreys) under the enroller/sponsor section so that I can send you a little gift once you get your oils! If you need any help, just reach out to or 574-200-0731 :)

Happy oiling, friends! You’ve got this!

disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, nor can I treat or diagnose anything for you. always check with a medical professional before going off medication, or if you have questions.