starting our spring garden

We’ve been working on our garden for the past month or so, starting seeds inside and getting them ready to go in the ground before too long. Our growing season is only about 150 days here in zone 5, so some flowers and vegetables need to be started way in advance in order to gain a harvest. 


We’ve already started sage, rosemary, blueberry tomatoes, champagne bubbles tomatoes, costoluto genovese tomatoes, broccoli-rabe, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onions, scallions, garlic, sweet peas, foxglove, dahlias, jewel-tone peppers, and mini peppers. And also turnips, because Alden brought them home from a church activity a couple weeks ago and is very determined to see them through to harvest haha. 

This next week, I’m planting jalapeños, banana peppers, isis candy cherry tomatoes, sweet pea currant tomatoes, rutgers tomatoes, celery (because I forgot to plant it a month ago and I’m hoping it isn’t too late), more onions directly in the ground in our hoop house, oregano, and german chamomile.

Who is growing a garden this year?? Have you started planting yet? Last year I didn’t start a single thing until mid-april and it was way to late for some things - remember the tiny carrots from last year? Lol trying to avoid that this year and get normal length carrots!