planting a spring container garden

I meant to share this back in April when we actually planted, but let’s just all agree that it’s been a weird year and showing up almost four months late is better than not showing up at all, okay?

We decided to do a bunch of containers and try container gardening this year! There was a chance earlier this year that we were going to move and I didn’t want to lose everything that we planted if that was the case. So containers felt like the best choice for us this year!

We grabbed most of our seeds from Renee’s Garden and were so impressed!

In early April, we started seedlings indoors (a great time for us here in zone 5, even though it was a little on the later end). In our spring planting we included:

  • Rainbow Onions

  • Purple Sun Carrots

  • Danvers Carrots

  • Chatwick Cherry Tomatoes

  • Sweetie Tomatoes

  • Jewel Toned Bell Peppers

  • Jalapeños

  • Mini Peppers

  • Dill (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Cilantro (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Basil

  • Lettuce

  • Arugula

  • Broccoli

  • Chives (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Parsley (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Zucchini (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Yellow Squash (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Baby Spaghetti Squash (planted directly outdoors in May)

  • Blue Bantam Peas

  • Crimson Peppers

  • Heirloom Soup Beans (planted directly outdoors in May)

We transplanted everything outdoors and into larger containers around the end of May. We also planted a few things directly there, rather than starting them from seed indoors.

The broccoli didn’t make it since it didn’t have enough wind-flow to build up strength in the stalks - something that I’m noting for next year!

We also stopped in town and picked up a few plants that I had forgotten that I wanted to grow…and it was already May, so I bought them instead.

  • Strawberries

  • Banana Peppers

  • Roma Tomatoes

  • Green Bell Peppers

  • Lemon Thyme

We’ve been adding DiGize and Geranium essential oils to help ward off some pests and encourage healthy plant growth! Such a fun use for our oils!

I’ll be sharing some of our spring garden harvest (and failures) soon!