garden harvest and update

I wanted to pop in with a little spring/summer garden harvest and update! So much has been happening in our little garden, and I wanted to share it - the major failures and some of the produce we are enjoying!


A few highlights:

  • our lettuce grew all summer long and we have enjoyed several salads this summer with our greens!

  • jalapeños and zucchini have done quite well and they have been so delicious!

  • we’ve been harvesting basil all throughout the summer for various dishes and i’m convinced nothing is better than fresh basil

  • we made pesto with our carrot tops and it was delicious

A few learning points for the future:

  • Watch closer for tomato worms. We lost a few romas because I didn’t pay close enough attention one night.

  • Make sure your containers are large enough to support the root systems - definitely had to go get new containers for our tomatoes mid-summer!

  • Carrots ended up being about 1 inch long - and none of them were purple even though 1/2 of the seeds were for purple sun. Still not sure what happened there!

  • Blue Bantam Peas kept turning brown from the bottom up - something I need to research and figure out what to do differently for next season!

Every little bit of produce harvested from our garden is a gift. It’s empowerment, it’s satisfying, it’s nourishing. It’s been so fun to teach Alden the growth process throughout this season!