family pictures

We had the sweetest photo session a couple of weeks ago. It was slightly chilly and the sun was setting and it was the perfect evening for wearing sweaters and cozying up in a blanket.


Somehow, we realized it had been over three years since our last family photos, and then we were celebrating our first anniversary and snuck in some really last minute pregnancy announcement photos because we had just found out we were expecting with Alden. (and I should mention, because I get asked rather often - no we are not pregnant! We just wanted some updated family photos!) It’s definitely time to update the photos hanging in our home!

A dear friend shared that she was going to be back in town for a few days and had a few last-minute openings for sessions, and we jumped on it! It was literally so perfect and she was a dream to work with!


As a fun little side note, our photographer was a friend of ours from college and she sang at our wedding - and now she’s getting married in a couple months and it’s just all so beautiful.

literally gasped at this one! my two favorite people in the whole world - so incredibly, completely happy.

literally gasped at this one! my two favorite people in the whole world - so incredibly, completely happy.

I’ve gotten a few messages about clothing, so I figured I would share here too!


Sweater: Zara Kids

Jeans: H&M Kids

Boots: Gymboree


Sweater: Carly Jean Los Angelos

Jeans: American Eagle

Necklace: Made by Mary


Shirt: Target

Jeans: Goodfellow & Co

I didn’t want our clothing to match, but I did want it to coordinate together. My best tip for this: find 2-3 colors that everyone in your family looks good in, and find varying shades of those to wear! We didn’t buy anything new for this photo session - I just went through our wardrobe and found some of our favorite items that went well together. So simple. Plus, these are photos that we are going to be looking at all year round, so I didn’t want them to look particularly seasonal, which honestly makes things easier when finding the right outfits!


We have the cutest little apple orchard in our town and it makes for the perfect pictures!


Natalie did the absolute best job capturing our family, and I feel like she caught Alden’s personality in every shot! It was the perfect evening. If y’all are looking for a photographer, she’s amazing!

You can connect with her on Facebook or Instagram.


Overall, the perfect evening, in the perfect setting, with my favorite people. Such a dream!

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